A guide on how to configure everything in the full multipage symfony skeleton to run on aws lambda, with code snippets, to get you started.
I’m going to assume a few things:
- You have already played around with bref. If not, go to the excellent bref documentation and start with a simple php example.
- You use the full symfony/skeleton. The minimal version is similar but not everything here is needed.
- You use Symfony 5.1. Previous versions don’t support directly all aws services directly. Specifically mail.
- You know and are using
. This is the obvious choice if you followed the bref documentation. - You are hosting or at least testing the AWS region
. Other regions will have limitations in this guide since not all services are available everywhere. I’ll mention if a service is strangely limited but if you stick to the regions above, you won’t have any problems. I personally stick toeu-west-1
What do I want
- I want a symfony installation that can run using bref in aws lambda.
- I want to develop and test my application locally and even be able to host the application in a classic environment if necessary.
- I want my changes to be obvious. I don’t want to modify to many files in the symfony skeleton as it would make it difficult to understand for anyone going into the project. (this is also why I write this documentation)
I’m writing this guide from memory and by copy&pasting from a working project, so I have probably forgotten some things. If I notice that I missed something I’ll add it later. I’ll also try to update it when things get easier.
Configure serverless
Serverless is the deployment tool I’m going to use. Configuring it is fairly simple but if you have already played bref, you should be aware of how it works.
composer require bref/bref
# serverless.yaml
service: symfony-project
- ./vendor/bref/bref
name: aws
region: eu-west-1
# Use the username as the default stage
# This way, multiple developers don't get in the way of each other.
stage: ${opt:stage, env:USER}
runtime: provided
APP_ENV: prod
APP_SECRET: !Join ['', ['{{resolve:secretsmanager:', !Ref AppSecret, ':SecretString:secret}}']]
excludeDevDependencies: false # only excludes node dev dependencies which we exclude entirely 2 lines below
- 'node_modules/**'
- 'tests/**'
- '.env*.local*'
# further excludes in the separate sections
handler: public/index.php
timeout: 28 # seconds, which is the http api maximum
- ${bref:layer.php-74-fpm}
# use the http api instead of the rest api ~ this shouldn't make a difference for you as you probably aren't using advanced features
# the http api is a lot cheaper than the rest api though and is supposed to be faster
- httpApi: '*'
handler: bin/console
timeout: 120 # seconds
- ${bref:layer.php-74}
- ${bref:layer.console} # The "console" layer
# The symfony secret used eg. for csrf protection
Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-secretsmanager-secret.html
Name: '/${self:service}/${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}/app_secret'
SecretStringTemplate: '{}'
GenerateStringKey: "secret"
PasswordLength: 32
This should already somewhat work if you warm the cache but depending on what you log or write in the cache, it can also silently fail. If that is the case: don’t worry, the next 3 sections will probably solve that issue.
Creating the “lambda” environment
The Symfony skeleton comes with 3 environments. dev
, test
and prod
However, while those are the defaults, nobody is forcing you to stick with those.
Because running in lambda is very different from running locally, I like to configure a “lambda” environment.
You can read the symfony documentation on how to create an environment
but you basically create a folder in config/packages/[environment name]
or in our case config/packages/lambda
and you’ll be able to use app/console --env=lambda
├─ config/
├─ ├─ packages/
├─ ├─ ├─ dev/
+├─ ├─ ├─ lambda/ # your new environment
└─ └─ └─ prod/
To start: you can copy all files from prod/
to lambda/
but we’ll modify them.
Doing this has some advantages:
- I don’t need to touch the normal
configuration and can therefore still use it outside lambda - My lambda modifications are obvious and mostly limited to this folder
Now every environment (except prod) will be debug=true
by default.
That isn’t that big of a deal, if you set the APP_DEBUG
environment variable to 0
but I want debug to default to false in the lambda environment.
The most portable way to achieve this, is to create a .env.lambda
in your project.
# .env.lambda
You now just need to configure your serverless.yaml
to set the APP_ENV
environment variable.
# [...]
APP_ENV: lambda
Configure caching
One of the biggest differences of lambda compared to a classical hosting environments is that you can’t write to disk directly.
If you followed the bref symfony documentation, you modified your Kernel.php
as an easy solution… revert that.
We are going to configure it more granular to get better performance through deploying cache.
Symfony will actually run on a read-only filesystem (if you warm and deploy the cache) but not all caches are warmed completely and silently fail to write during runtime.
Luckily, all caches, that aren’t fully warmed, are classical key value cache pools which are configurable.
# config/packages/lambda/cache.yaml
# write all caches into the filesystem
system: cache.adapter.filesystem # instead of cache.adapter.system
app: cache.adapter.filesystem # this is the default but i like to be explicit here
# in lambda, /tmp is writable although limited to the this lambda instance
directory: '/tmp/pools'
This will make all symfony cache pools write into /tmp/pools
instead of var/cache/{environment}/pools
Note that twig, translations and doctrine will still be in var/cache/{environment}
but those caches aren’t generated at runtime but during cache:clear
so that is great.
You’ll need to be aware of a few things though:
- The
directory is limited to the lambda execution context so it isn’t shared between concurrent executions. - The
cache contains code related things like validator, serializer, annotation and property metadata caches. This cache must be cleared after deploying new code which will luckily happen automatically thanks to lambda destroying the execution context after a code update. - The
cache is for your application and only you know what is in there if you use it at all. It may be necessary to configure an external caching service for this if you need it to be consistent across contexts. - On a cold start, the cache will be empty. I experimented with deploying a warmed pools folder and found that it is actually slower to copy the cache than to just start with the system cache cold but that is highly dependent on the application.
Now if you deploy your application, you’ll need to warm the cache with app/console cache:warmup -e lambda
and you’ll also need to make sure that you deploy the cache folder. I recommend the following serverless.yaml
# serverless.yaml
# [...]
APP_ENV: lambda
# [...]
- 'var/**'
- '!var/cache/${self:provider.environment.APP_ENV}/**'
If you don’t like this solution, because the cache will be cold, I have considered a lot of cache deploying solutions and think this is the best compromise between easy and performance but your mileage may vary depending on your project so if you need to optimize, take a look and experiment.
There is also an issue open in the symfony project to solve the read-only cache problem but it is stalling a lot but if you are lucky, it may already be solved in the future so take a look there too.
Configure logging
You can’t use log files so you’ll need an external service for this.
The easiest solution is to just write all errors to php://stderr
which lambda will automatically write into CloudWatch.
# config/packages/lambda/monolog.yaml
type: stream
path: "php://stderr"
level: debug # info, notice, warning or error but I keep it at debug to start out
formatter: app.monolog.formatter.cloudwatch
# default format but without date ~ cloudwatch adds that automatically
class: Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter
arguments: ["%%channel%%.%%level_name%%: %%message%% %%context%% %%extra%%\n"]
And you are done. To access your logs you can go through the aws console to your lambda function and just click on invocations.
You can even use serverless logs -f [function name]
to access them quickly.
Configure assets (and distribution)
You don’t want to deliver assets though php so you’ll need somewhere to store them. S3 is the place to do that within the AWS ecosystem but you’ll need to split your code from your assets during deployment.
I already wrote something on that topic: asset distribution on a serverless multipage application so go though that.
Configure a custom domain
This isn’t optional and I’ll tell you why.
Symfony, as many other frameworks, uses the Host
header for some url generation.
The problem is that CloudFront has to request your lambda using Host: https://abc123abc1.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
or else the ApiGateway won’t know which configuration to use.
There is a X-Forwarded-Host
header for that reason but CloudFront does not support it natively so we’ll have to do some trickery.
You should use a custom domain so you can work around the limitation that Cloudfront can’t pass the HOST header as X-Forwarded-Host
I show you how I configured it but please go though asset distribution on a serverless multipage application first.
# these are some settings that I keep here that change based on environment
# consider everything under environment a config file
# you need to register a certificate within aws.
# Use a wildcard domain with *.example.com and example.com to easily deploy multiple environments.
# https://bref.sh/docs/websites.html#setting-up-a-domain-name
current: ${self:custom.environment.domain.${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}, self:custom.environment.domain.default}
name: '${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}.example.com'
certificate: 'arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:012345678901:certificate/61d153aa-92d7-11ea-bb37-0242ac130002'
name: 'example.com'
certificate: 'arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:012345678901:certificate/61d153aa-92d7-11ea-bb37-0242ac130002'
# the function does not need the frontend asset resources except for the manifest for mapping reasons
- 'node_modules/**'
- 'public/**'
- '!public/build/manifest.json'
- '!public/index.php'
# [...]
# [...]
# the application will run behind CloudFront so we'll need to trust any incoming ip
# https://www.skeletonscribe.net/2013/05/practical-http-host-header-attacks.html'
# TRUSTED_HOSTS is a regular expression so you'll need to replace '.' with '\.' and add '^' and '$'
TRUSTED_HOSTS: !Join ['\.', !Split ['.', '^${self:custom.environment.domain.current.name}$']]
# [...]
DistributionConfig: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/latest/APIReference/API_DistributionConfig.html
Enabled: true
PriceClass: PriceClass_100 # cheapest option which only proxies in North America and Europe
HttpVersion: http2 # the docs say this is the default but it isn't for some reason
# Specify which hostnames the cdn will forward to your configuration.
Aliases: ['${self:custom.environment.domain.current.name}']
AcmCertificateArn: ${self:custom.environment.domain.current.certificate}
SslSupportMethod: sni-only
MinimumProtocolVersion: TLSv1.2_2018
# [...] keep the rest of the original article
Origins: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-cloudfront-distribution-origin.html
- Id: Website
DomainName: !Join ['.', [!Ref HttpApi, 'execute-api', !Ref AWS::Region, 'amazonaws.com']]
CustomOriginConfig: {OriginProtocolPolicy: https-only}
# CloudFront does not set X-Forwarded headers except for X-Forwarded-For
- {HeaderName: X-Forwarded-Host, HeaderValue: '${self:custom.environment.domain.current.name}'}
- {HeaderName: X-Forwarded-Proto, HeaderValue: 'https'}
- {HeaderName: X-Forwarded-Port, HeaderValue: '443'}
# [...] keep the rest of the original article
You now need to configure your application to accept the X-Forwared-Host
// public/index.php
- Request::setTrustedProxies(explode(',', $trustedProxies), Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL ^ Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_HOST);
+ Request::setTrustedProxies(explode(',', $trustedProxies), Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL);
You can now deploy your code as well as your assets:
sls deploy # deploy your code and infrastructure
sls s3deploy # deploy your assets (you can do that before the code update after the first deploy)
Just 1 last step. If you now search for your CloudFront distribution in the AWS console,
you’ll get a abc123abc123.cloudfront.com
domain. You need to configure your domain to point to that as a CNAME.
And you are done!
You should also take a look at the bref documentation on website hosting since it has pictures and explains other ways that you may be interested in.
Configure sessions (and the aws-sdk)
By default, php will write sessions into /tmp
so it might appear to work at first but you session will randomly
get lost because, just as the cache, it is limited to 1 lambda context.
To solve this, we need to use an external service to store session. Luckily, the official aws-sdk comes with a php session handler that stores them in DynamoDB which is the most scalable database aws has to offer so this should be the solution for every php project that needs classical sessions.
install the async-aws-sdk
First of all, install the async-aws-sdk and the corresponding symfony bundle to save yourself some configuration.
The reason I don’t use the official aws-sdk is because the async-sdk is a lot smaller.
composer require async-aws/async-aws-bundle async-aws/dynamo-db-session
Symfony flex will automatically enable and configure the bundle, but we are going to make 2 changes to those generated files.
- The generated configuration is more suited as an example for a more classical environment. The async-aws-sdk reads all configuration it needs from the lambda environment so we can simply delete the config file.
- We only need the bundle in the lambda environment so I’m going to only load it there
├─ config/
├─ ├─ packages/
-├─ ├─ └─ async_aws.yaml
~└─ └─ bundles.php # and also change the environment in the bundle configuration
~.env # you can remove the credentials that symfony/flex created here since those aren't needed in lambda
// config/bundles.php
- AsyncAws\Symfony\Bundle\AsyncAwsBundle::class => ['all' => true],
+ AsyncAws\Symfony\Bundle\AsyncAwsBundle::class => ['lambda' => true],
actually configuring the session handler
Now that we have configured the aws sdk so that the DynamoDB client is available with just @async_aws.client.dynamo_db
Symfony allows us to easily change the standard php session handler with just some configuration:
# config/packages/lambda/framework.yaml
handler_id: AsyncAws\DynamoDbSession\SessionHandler
class: AsyncAws\DynamoDbSession\SessionHandler
- '@async_aws.client.dynamo_db'
- table_name: '%env(resolve:SESSION_TABLE)%'
Now we also need the DynamoDB Table and define the SESSION_TABLE
environment variable.
We can do both easily in the serverless configuration.
# serverless.yaml
# [...]
APP_ENV: lambda
SESSION_TABLE: !Ref SessionTable
# [...]
- Effect: Allow
Resource: !GetAtt SessionTable.Arn
Action: dynamodb:*Item
# [...]
Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/AWS_DynamoDB.html
TableName: '${self:service}-${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}-sessions'
- {AttributeName: id, AttributeType: S}
- {AttributeName: id, KeyType: HASH}
{AttributeName: expires, Enabled: true}
And now you have working sessions.
You don’t even need to worry about garbage collection because of the TimeToLiveSpecification which automatically cleans up. You aren’t even charged for the delete operations.
Configure mailing
AWS has SES to send emails. This service is region limited. Take a look at the region-table.
If you haven’t done anything yet, your account will be in sandbox mode by default. This means you can’t send emails to anyone who hasn’t verified that they want emails. The easiest way is to verify a domain (like your work domain) but you can also verify a single email. Later, you’ll have to request a limit increase so you can send emails to everyone but you’ll still need to verify an email or domain to send FROM.
To use it, we are going to install the symfony/amazon-mailer. Make sure you have at least version 5.1 because that is the first version which uses the async-aws-sdk if available. Previous versions weren’t able to use the environment variables of the lambda function to authenticate.
composer require symfony/amazon-mailer async-aws/ses
Now you just need to configure your serverless.yaml
to set the MAILER_DSN
and the iam permissions.
# serverless.yaml
# [...]
# [...]
MAILER_DSN: 'ses://default'
# [...]
# allow sending emails
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/de_de/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/control-user-access.html#iam-and-ses
- Effect: Allow
Resource: '*' # allow sending with every available identity
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/list_amazonses.html
Action: [ses:SendEmail, ses:SendRawEmail]
And if you have a verified domain or email, you should now be able to send emails.
Configure doctrine
There is again a good bref documentation on databases and I might be biased but I’m going to use Aurora Serverless (in MySQL 5.7 compatible mode) with my own Nemo64/dbal-rds-data driver. Here is why:
Aurora Serverless does cost at least $50.40 per month if run continuously + storage, but it saves you more money than you think.
- Aurora Serverless can auto pause. This is kind of useless in production, because it takes up to a minute to boot, but it is really useful in dev environments.
- The rds data api saves you the trouble of running your lambda in a VPC
- this saves you the trouble of learning how to setup a VPC (although you probably can’t avoid it in your career)
- it saves you of needing a NAT gateway wich costs $34.56 per month for 1 instance which then is also a single point of failure so you might want multiple gateways for reliability.
- You get seemless auto scaling if your applications grows which is especially interesting if your application is small.
There are some downsides of using Aurora Serverless but if you are using the doctrine orm, then you probably won’t notice them and you can switch to another database later if needed.
Note that the rds-data api is again fairly region limited. If you want to host anywhere else, you’ll need to familiarise yourself with VPC’s to securely set that up.
Most of the documentation is already available in the Readme of Nemo64/dbal-rds-data but I’m repeating this specifically for this symfony setup here.
composer require nemo64/dbal-rds-data
# config/packages/lambda/doctrine.yaml
# the url can override the driver class
# but I can't define this driver in the url which is why i made it the default
# Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::parseDatabaseUrlScheme
driver_class: Nemo64\DbalRdsData\RdsDataDriver
# keep the rest of your doctrine.yaml from the prod environment
# serverless.yaml
# [...]
# [...]
- ''
- - '//' # rds-data is set to default because custom drivers can't be named in a way that they can be used here
- !Ref AWS::Region # the hostname is the region
- '/${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}'
- '?driverOptions[resourceArn]='
- !Join [':', ['arn:aws:rds', !Ref AWS::Region, !Ref AWS::AccountId, 'cluster', !Ref Database]]
- '&driverOptions[secretArn]='
- !Ref DatabaseSecret
# [...]
- Effect: Allow
Resource: '*' # it isn't supported to limit this
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/list_amazonrdsdataapi.html
Action: rds-data:*
# this rds-data endpoint will use the same identity to get the secret
- Effect: Allow
Resource: !Ref DatabaseSecret
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/list_awssecretsmanager.html
Action: secretsmanager:GetSecretValue
# [...]
# Make sure that there is a default VPC in your account.
# https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/home#vpcs:isDefault=true
# If not, click "Actions" > "Create Default VPC"
# While your applications doesn't need it, the database must still be provisioned into a VPC so use the default.
Type: AWS::RDS::DBCluster # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html
Engine: aurora-mysql # aurora = mysql 5.6, aurora-mysql = mysql 5.7
EngineMode: serverless
EnableHttpEndpoint: true # this is the important part
DatabaseName: '${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}'
MasterUsername: !Join ['', ['{{resolve:secretsmanager:', !Ref DatabaseSecret, ':SecretString:username}}']]
MasterUserPassword: !Join ['', ['{{resolve:secretsmanager:', !Ref DatabaseSecret, ':SecretString:password}}']]
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration.html
ScalingConfiguration: {MinCapacity: 1, MaxCapacity: 2, AutoPause: true}
Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-secretsmanager-secret.html
SecretStringTemplate: '{"username": "admin"}'
GenerateStringKey: "password"
PasswordLength: 41 # max length of a mysql password
ExcludeCharacters: '"@/\'
Type: AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-secretsmanager-secrettargetattachment.html
SecretId: !Ref DatabaseSecret
TargetId: !Ref Database
TargetType: AWS::RDS::DBCluster
And now your application has a database. You can now run the usual commands to create the schema but you’ll have to do that within your lambda so:
sls invoke -f console -d '{"cli": "doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction"}'
# or
php vendor/bin/bref cli symfony-project-dev-console --region=eu-west-1 -- doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
You can use the bref cli command which has a much nicer output but you’ll need to pass the region and the full lambda name.
Working example
I build a working symfony 2 application as a reference and to test out new things outside of real projects.
You can find it here: github.com/Nemo64/serverless-symfony. Usage instructions are in the readme.
Final words
That’s it for the moment. There are still a few things I haven’t touched and a lot I probably haven’t even discovered. I’ll probably keep this post update just as documentation for myself.
I want to thank Matthieu for the unbelievable amount of work he continues to put into bref and also Tobias because he somehow gets involved in nearly all issue I open related to symfony and aws.